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Privacy Policy

Article 1: Recitals

“BusinessCode” is a platform that stores and collects personal information from your account in the application to the extent of what the platform requires of data and what is extracted from your usage of the platform - you can review the policies below to find the required personal data-. Therefore, we would like to inform you that our dealings are based on transparency and mutual trust, and we are in “BusinessCode” appreciate your trust in us, and we ensure that all your information registered with us are confidential and we would do so carefully and sensibly in accordance with our policy.

The privacy policy - which will be explained below- is a legally binding contract between you as a user (whether you are an individual or legal person) Application BusinessCodes for Communications and Information Technology Establishment, which is the owner and developer of “BusinessCode” and the owner of the trademark “BusinessCode” registered under the number 293577 at the Ministry of Commerce of Saudi Arabia.

Once you register to the platform and accept the privacy policy, the contract had been concluded; therefore, you must read the articles very carefully. and we recommend that you keep a copy of this privacy policy that could be sent to your email upon your request so that you can refer to it in the future. If you do not agree with these policies, please stop using “BusinessCode” platform immediately, as continuing to use this platform, is implied to be a consent to our privacy policy.

Article 2:

The above recitals is considered as integral part of this policy and shall be read and construed therewith.

Article 3: Subscriber and User Information

3.1. Personal information:

  1. Personal Account:

The platform collects information about the subscriber or user from their personal accounts, such as: name, commercial record, functional title, mobile number, age, detailed location, email address, As these information and data added in their file on the platform.

  1. Additional information:

This information is obtained through the subscriber's or user's use of the platform. This information includes the type of smartphone and computer, technical information on the methods of communication of the subscriber or user with the platform, the operating system and its issuance, the preferred language and the location of the subscriber or user- In case permission was granted- in addition to the user’s address book and contacts. - In case permission was granted -, IP address, and other similar information, such as details of usage and preferences. These information and data will be preserved if the User or Subscriber permitted that when the account is cancelled.

3.2. Information generated from the use of the platform’s services.

The platform retains the information and data of the subscriber or user and the service provided to them - including but not limited to - the places, times, and number of times in which the platform was used. The platform is entitled to keep this information even after the subscriber or user has cancelled the account without indicating or linking it to the identity of the subscriber or user.

Article 4: The Purpose of Using the Collected Information and Data

Both the platform “BusinessCode” and Application BusinessCodes for Communications and Information Technology Est. collect and use the information of the subscriber and user for the following purposes - including but not limited to-

1. Improve the quality of services provided in the platform.

2. Improve the platform with each update to suit your expectation as a user or subscriber.

3. Communication purposes through sending electronic messages periodically. Notably, the email address registered by the subscriber or user will only be used to send them information and updates relating to their accounts, it may also be used to respond to queries, other requests, or questions. If the subscriber or user decides to join our correspondence list, he or she will receive e-mail messages that may include news and information regarding the application as well as promotional campaigns.

Article 5: Disclosure Limitations of User’s Information

Neither “BusinessCode“ platform nor Application BusinessCodes for Communications and Information Technology Est. will  disclosure your personal information unless:

1.We have your permission.

2.Submit it to companies for analysis and data and offers.

3. Upon the request to disclose them to the competent authorities because of the unlawful use of the platform.

4. In special circumstances such as subpoenas from government or judicial entities.

5. In the event that the ownership of “BusinessCode” platform transfer to another firm, ownership of the information will be transferred as well.

Article 6: Sharing Information

1. The “BusinessCode” platform may collaborate with other companies or individuals to perform tasks on its behalf - for example, not exclusive - sending mail and e-mail, analyzing data, providing assistance and marketing, providing search results, and they may have access to information provided by you when you register in the platform such as (Name - commercial register - functional title - age - mobile number - detailed location).

2. The “BusinessCode” platform is entitled to share the information and data of the subscriber or user with other (third) Parties wishing to collect information or make offers to subscribers or users.

Article 7: Privacy Safeguard of the Platform

1. The subscriber or user, whether an individual or company, shall be granted the full authority and delegation of the platform or its representative or authorized upon in the use of personal information registered by the subscriber or user on the platform, as well as data resulting from the processing of such information, within the scope of operating or developing the platform.

2. The subscriber and user agree to allow “BusinessCode” platform to use its own phone camera or any other device on which the platform is used for the purpose of identifying the business card barcode of the other users.

3. In “BusinessCode” we pledge not to sell, lease or share your personal information to any third party except as provided for in this privacy policy.

4. “BusinessCode” collects information provided by the subscriber or user when registering on the platform in a special record, as well as information collected by the platform during its use, including information on operations made by the subscriber or the user on the platform and elsewhere, in addition general information regarding your sharing of business cards with other users.

5- After terminating your account on the platform, your registered personal data will be deleted directly, unless the subscriber or user allows the platform to keep it within the termination stages.

6- “BusinessCode” platform and its owner firm have the right to retain information and data resulting from the operations and services provided or resulting from the processing of personal information even after the subscriber or user has cancelled the account for statistics and platform development but without indicating or linking it to the identity of the subscriber or user.

Article 8: The Consent on the Privacy Policy Terms

Your approval on the privacy policy when you register on the platform or after any update to these policies, indicate that you fully approve of our privacy policy on the platform. However, if you do not agree with this policy, you must not use the platform.

Article 9: Changes to the Privacy Policy Terms

1. “BusinessCode” platform and Application BusinessCodes for Communications and Information Technology Est. are entitled to update this privacy policy at any time.

2. If the privacy policy is amended; The “BusinessCode” platform will inform the subscriber or user through their registered email address or alerts through the application and will ask you to approve these modifications in time so that you can continue to use the platform.

3. “BusinessCode” platform recommends that the subscriber or user review the privacy policy frequently to see any changes so that they know what the platform is doing to protect the personal data it collects.

4. The subscriber and user agree with their responsibility to periodically review this privacy policy and be aware of the amendments.

Article 10: Our Responsibility

  1. In the event that “BusinessCode” platform contracts with other Parties for the purpose of developing or analyzing data registered on the platform or for any other purpose of allowing such Parties access to subscriber and user data; Application BusinessCodes for Communications and Information Technology Est. ensures that these contracting parties are subject to the same standards as those stated under the privacy policy for the protection of the subscriber’s and user's information.

  2. The “BusinessCode” and Application BusinessCodes for Communications and Information Technology Est. bear no liability for Inadvertent disclosure of the information of subscribers and users stored with them, due to the fault of any party or resulting from an unauthorized or unlawful acts of third parties, nor does “BusinessCode” and Application BusinessCodes for Communications and Information Technology Est.  accept any warranty or losses or damages that may arise from it.

  3. Application BusinessCodes for Communications and Information Technology Est. ensures that the platform is free from viruses, spy programs, harmful cookies or other harmful content with reasonable and proper efforts, but Application Business Codes for Communications and Information Technology Est. and the “BusinessCode” are not liable for any damage to the subscriber's or user's phone or any other device on which the platform is used by that is caused by viruses, hacks or espionage that may lead to the theft of the subscriber's or user's data or credit card details. As the subscriber or user alone is responsible for the protection of the device, they use to access the platform.

Article 11: Applicable Law and Legal Jurisdiction

The policy of privacy in its interpretation, implementation and all aspects shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In the event of any dispute arises between the parties concerning this application or platform, the competent judicial authority of Dammam in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hereby shall settle it.

This policy is drawn up originally in the Arabic language. If this policy is translated into any language other than Arabic, and in the event of any difference or conflict, the Arabic language text shall prevail.

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